Stiri si informatii juridice –
Pro Legal

Arhiva autorului: Pro Legal

PRO LEGAL | Iosif & Asociatii joined IR Global, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms

06 Februarie 2020 / de

As of February 2020, PRO LEGAL | Iosif & Asociatii SCA, joined IR Global, the world's largest exclusive network of advisory firms, represented in 155+ jurisdictions, covering over 70 unique practice areas. IR Global is a top tier advisory firms network, listed in Band 1 of the prestigious guides...

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Absolvirea cursului intensiv privind “Bazele dreptului civil si comercial austriac”

13 Martie 2018 / de

Pe data de 6 martie 2018 a avut loc la Facultatea de Drept a Universitatii din Bucuresti festivitatea de absolvire a cursului „Bazele dreptului civil si comercial austriac", organizat la initiativa Schoenherr si Asociatii cu sprijinul Institutului de Cercetare pentru Drept Comercial Central si Est-European...

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Maravela|Asociatii, partenerul roman al primei GC Powerlist din CEE a The Legal 500

23 Noiembrie 2017 / de

Maravela|Asociatii este partenerul roman al GC Powerlist pentru Europa Centrala si de Est, compilatie a The Legal 500 ce cuprinde cei mai influenti si inovatori General Counsels din regiune. In urma nominalizarii si evaluarii din partea cercetatorilor The Legal 500, cei mai importanti General Counsel...

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Conferinta CTRL + SHIFT + ESC – Reglementari juridice cu impact comercial

22 Noiembrie 2017 / de

Biroul din Romania al societatii de avocatura regionale Wolf Theiss, cu sprijinul British Romanian Chamber of Commerce (BRCC) si al Bancii Transilvania, a organizat pentru mediul de business din Cluj-Napoca conferinta CTRL + SHIFT + ESC – Reglementari juridice cu impact comercial. Printre participantii...

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PRO CAPITAL Restructuring recruteaza avocat / practician in insolventa

22 Noiembrie 2017 / de

PRO CAPITAL Restructuring iti ofera oportunitatea de a face parte din una dintre cele mai dinamice si experimentate echipe de practicieni in insolventa:   Responsabilitati: Ø  Redactare acte juridice de baza (ex.notificari, procese-verbale, convocari); Ø  Redactare diferite alte acte...

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PRO CAPITAL Restructuring desemnata administrator judiciar al PRESCON BV

18 Noiembrie 2017 / de

Societatea de practicieni in insolventa PRO CAPITAL Restructuring a fost desemnata in calitate de administrator judiciar al societatii brasovene PRESCON BV S.A., o importanta societate din domeniul constructiilor. PRESCON BV S.A. este una dintre primele companii din grupul PRESCON, cea in jurul careia...

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Angajatorii care nu angajeaza persoane cu handicap vor datora o contributie dubla

31 August 2017 / de

Potrivit Legii nr. 448/2006 privind protectia şi promovarea drepturilor persoanelor cu handicap, angajatorii care au cel putin 50 de angajati, au obligatia de a angaja persoane cu handicap intr-un procent de cel putin 4% din numarul total de angajati. Pana acum, in cazul neindeplinirii de catre angajatori...

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PRO CAPITAL: Several investors interested in the AMICII ice cream producer

30 August 2017 / de

Several investors have expressed interest in the AMICII ice cream producer, confirmed PRO CAPITAL Restructuring, the judicial administrator of KUBO ICE CREAM COMPANY, the company holding Amicii and Obssesion ice-cream brands. KUBO ICE CREAM COMPANY, a well-known ice cream producer in Romania, had...

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Investment opportunity: Restaurant for sale on the Danube cliff

31 Iulie 2017 / de

Rolion restaurant, well known for its excellent location on the Danube cliff in Tulcea, near the main local points of interests, is currently available for sale at a very competitive price. PRO CAPITAL Restructuring IPURL, the judicial administrator of ROLION SRL, the company owning the restaurant,...

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New regulations on antitrust damages actions in Romania

17 Iulie 2017 / de

The long-awaited Antitrust Damages Directive, which all Member States should have implemented in their legal systems by 27 December 2016, has finally been transposed into Romanian legislation by the Emergency Government Ordinance No. 39/2017 ("EGO"), in force as of 8 June 2017. Damage claims for competition...

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Piata Avocaturii

PRO LEGAL | Iosif & Asociatii joined IR Global, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms

As of February 2020, PRO LEGAL | Iosif & Asociatii SCA, joined IR Global, the world's largest exclusive network of advisory firms, represented in 155+ jurisdictions, covering over 70 unique practice areas. IR Global is a top tier advisory firms network, listed in Band 1 of the prestigious guides...

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