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PRO CAPITAL: Several investors interested in the AMICII ice cream producer

PRO CAPITAL: Several investors interested in the AMICII ice cream producer

Several investors have expressed interest in the AMICII ice cream producer, confirmed PRO CAPITAL Restructuring, the judicial administrator of KUBO ICE CREAM COMPANY, the company holding Amicii and Obssesion ice-cream brands.

KUBO ICE CREAM COMPANY, a well-known ice cream producer in Romania, had to file for insolvency on account of liquidity problems in November 2016 and, after being placed under the protection insolvency procedure, it continued its activity, under the supervision of the judicial administrators, during the so-called „observation period” of the procedure.

Besides supervising the company’s activity, the restructuring experts from the judicial administrator PRO CAPITAL Restructuring are also in discussions with the investors interested in the ice cream producer.

Considering that KUBO’s production line is functional and in very good shape, as well as the fact that its main ice cream brands, Amicii and Obssesion, still have a good reputation on the market, all the investment options are on the table”, declared Iulian Iosif, Managing Partner of PRO CAPITAL Restructuring.

The ice cream market in Romania is dominated by three major players (Unilever, Betty Ice and Nestlé), accounting for just over 40% of the market share, whilst the respect of the market is divided between several local procedures, with market shares of 6-8% each.

Considering this fragmentation of the market, there is a real interest for take-overs or other investments that can consolidate the position of the most active players on the market.

PRO CAPITAL Restructuring is a top-tier insolvency firm in Romania, specialized in complex restructuring & insolvency projects, involving a multidisciplinary expertise, a sound knowledge of the local market and a very good relationship with major investors, financial institutions, local entrepreneurs and foreign corporations.

Founded by a group of former partners and managing directors from leading law firms and international advisory companies, PRO CAPITAL Restructuring is handling some of the most important restructuring and insolvency procedures on the market, including the insolvency of the most important non-banking financial institution in Romania, involving receivables exceeding EUR 100,000,000, claimed by five major banks and by other local or international creditors.

The insolvency specialists from PRO CAPITAL Restructuring are also regularly providing expert opinions to the most important banks from Romania on reorganization plans and on other complex and sensitive insolvency matters.

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